Small Business is our Business

Archive for June, 2011

AMEX Rewards Can Now Buy Facebook Avertising

American Express announced this week that its cardmembers can now redeem rewards points for Facebook advertising. Each $6,750 spent can be redeemed for $50.00 worth of Facebook advertising.  Targeted at small business owners, this is the first time a major company has combined credit card rewards and social media advertising.  With 750 million members worldwide, advertising  your product/service on Facebook may be right for you.

Small Businesses Rank Start-Up Mistakes

The top four biggest mistakes  new small business owners make are:

*Understanding monthly expenses  (32%)

*Hiring the wrong people  (20%)

*Not knowing how to sell or market their products (18%)

*Not securing a large enough credit line  (18%)


This survey was conducted by Hiscox, an international insurance company.